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Our Journey

Inspired by the timeless tradition of dads sharing corny jokes to the eye-rolls and sometimes genuine laughter of their families, Dad Joke Button was born out of a love for those moments of joy and connection. Our founder, a dad himself, envisioned a way to encapsulate the spirit of dad humor in a simple, tangible form.

Thus, the Dad Joke Button emerged, a novel gift designed to bring families together through laughter and the universal language of dad jokes.

As we grew, our mission became clear: to celebrate fatherhood and the unique bond it creates within families. Every Dad Joke Button and Bottle Opener we create is more than just a product; it's a passport to countless moments of joy, laughter, and family memories.

We're committed to spreading smiles, one dad joke at a time, and honoring the role of fathers everywhere by keeping the tradition of dad humor alive and well.

Our History
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Super funny gag gift for my father-in-law. The voice telling the jokes even does a cringey laugh after each one that cracks everyone up. It has two different volumes.

— Hope B

The best part of this joke telling button is that the voice teller laughs at the end of every ridiculous joke, which makes it even funnier.

— J Erickson

Gifted this to a doctor at my work and he loved it. He brings it out every shift and will randomly hit it hahaha

— Kireen R